Straps Issues

Common Issue, Diagnosis and Solution for Straps

Continuing from our previous article, where we explored common issues with bands and frames in bras, we now turn our attention to another basic component – the straps. Comfortable and well-positioned straps are undeniably another key to creating a bra that feels as good as it looks. In this article, we’ll explore the common straps issues that can arise and provide you with expert diagnosis and solutions to continue delivering high-quality bras to your customers.

Straps Issues

Issue 1: Straps Dig into Shoulders or Won’t Go Over

Diagnosis: The straps are too tight.

Solution: When dealing with two-piece straps (front and back portions); you must first identify where to add length:

  • If the front strap cannot comfortably reach over the shoulder, add length to the front strap in the center, ensuring it maintains its size at both ends.

  • If the front strap length is adequate, extend the back strap by using a longer piece of elastic. This applies to one-piece straps as well. Ensure the additional length allows for proper strap adjustment, preventing premature elastic wear.

Issue 2: Straps Falling Off Shoulders or Hanging Loosely

Diagnosis: The straps are too loose or positioned too far out on the shoulder.

Solution: Begin by addressing strap length, and then consider strap placement:

  • For two-piece straps, if the front strap extends down the back, shorten it to encircle the shoulder only. Subtract the desired amount from the center of the strap while maintaining the size at both ends.

  • If the front strap length is correct, shorten the back strap elastic as needed. This adjustment applies to one-piece straps as well.

Issue 3: Straps Too Close to the Neck (Front View)

Diagnosis: Straps are placed too far toward the neck.

Solution: Move the straps outward:

  • Slice the upper cup pattern horizontally and slide the cut piece toward the shoulder.

  • Redraw the style lines of the upper cup to accommodate the new strap position.

Issue 4: Straps Too Close to the Shoulder Edge or Falling Off (Front View)

Diagnosis: Straps are placed too far toward the shoulder.

Solution: Move the straps inward:

  • Estimate the needed adjustment and slice across the top of the upper cup.

  • Slide the cut piece toward the center front and redraw the style lines of the upper cup.

Issue 5: Straps Misaligned at the Back

Diagnosis: Back straps are incorrectly positioned, either too close to the arms or falling off the shoulders.

Solution: To reposition the back straps, follow these steps:

  • Determine the desired distance for moving the straps.

  • Redraw the back scoop, ensuring it ends at the preferred strap placement point at the top of the band. For T-back bras, simply shift the straps to their desired position.

Issue 6: Straps Too Close to the Neck from the Back View

Diagnosis: Back straps are situated too far inward toward the center.

Solution: To move the back straps outward, implement the following:

  • Determine the distance needed for repositioning the straps.

  • Redraw the back scoop so that it terminates at the preferred strap placement point at the top of the band. Add any necessary modifications to the top of the back band, following the existing angle. For T-back bras, adjust the strap placement according to your preference.

Straps Issues

Perfecting the fit of intimate apparel is an ongoing process. By addressing common straps issues and offering suitable solutions, you can continue to provide your customers with bras that not only look great but feel comfortable and supportive. Remember, every detail counts when it comes to the art and science of crafting the perfect bra.

Don’t miss to check out our article on ‘Common Issue, Diagnosis and Solution for Cups‘.

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