Lingerie Manufacturer
DO YOU know where to begin when it comes to manufacturing?

Lingerie Manufacturers in Different Regions of the World:
Asia vs. Europe vs. USA

When you’re first starting in the lingerie business, it can be tough to know where to begin when it comes to manufacturing. There are so many different options available, and it’s important to choose the right one for your business. There are several parts of the world where you can manufacture lingerie, however, each region has its own set of pros and cons. But before deciding where, there are factors to consider, such quality of the materials, the manufacturing process, the MOQ (minimum order quantity), the price per unit, lead time, and among others.

In this blog post, we’ll outline some of the factors that you need to consider when thinking about manufacturing in Asia, vs. Europe, vs. North America. Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start doing your research and contacting manufacturers to see if they fit your requirements.

Manufacturing In Asia


-If you’re looking for a manufacturer in Asia, China is a great place to start. There are many highly skilled and specialized intimate apparel factories, and they are often able to produce high-quality lingerie at a lower cost than other parts of the world.

– The best factories and most skilled factories for intimate apparel I have worked with are in China / Hong Kong. However, it’s important to be aware that the quality of manufacturing can vary greatly from factory to factory, so it’s important to do your research before choosing one. It can be helpful to request samples from potential manufacturers to see their previous work. This will give you a good idea of the quality and craftsmanship that they are capable of producing. 

– My favorite pro and most likely the most helpful: most factories work as a One Stop Shop: this means they will handle everything- from patternmaking to sampling, counter-sourcing fabrics, getting all the trims and components, dying fabrics and trims as needed in-house, developing labels, hang tags, packaging, and even developing custom hardware or custom cups for your brand. You really don’t need to deal with the million suppliers you would have to if you were not working with a ‘One Stop Shop’ factory.

Lingerie Manufacturer


-Unfortunately, it can be hard to find a manufacturer with small MOQs. This is because most factories in Asia have very high minimum orders in general. However, there is a way to turn this around: you can work with a Product Development Studio that can connect you and negotiate on your behalf with a factory that is willing to do smaller orders and grow with you.

-Language barrier: Communication can be a challenge since most workers do not speak English as their first language, however one way to get around this is getting professional help to make the process easier. Product Development studios deal with these factories all the time and know the ins and outs of communicating with them, so this can help minimize the impact of the language barrier on communication.

Manufacturing In the United States of America (USA) 


-Part of the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of some brands is the famous “Made in America”, if that is the case, manufacturing in the USA is their best option since it is part of their marketing strategies.

-Communication is usually not a problem since most workers speak English as their first language.

-Sustainability: Again, some brands really have a focus on sustainability. So they prefer manufacturing locally to help reduce their carbon footprint.

-If you live in the USA and manufacture locally, factories are easier to visit in person. This can be helpful if you need to discuss details or inspect samples.

Lingerie Manufacturer


-The cost of manufacturing in the USA tends can be much higher than in Asia and even Europe.

-You need to find your own supplier for every single component and fabric used in your garments. This means you will probably need to source on your end a good supplier for underwires, elastics, hook & eyes, labels, hang tags, and packaging. This also means you will have to negotiate with each supplier and place orders for items needed and have them shipped to the factory. (A real nightmare sometimes).

-Lead times can be quite long, the main reason for this is that factories are much smaller or even just sample rooms, so their capacity is much smaller So it’s important to factor this into your planning.

-Very few specialized lingerie factories or sample rooms in the USA.

Manufacturing In Europe


-First and foremost, it is important to understand that manufacturing is very different in Central Europe than in Eastern Europe. Central Europe has a long history of manufacturing high-quality lingerie. While Eastern Europe doesn’t really have much experience with complex lingerie manufacturing.

-Labor costs are lower than they are in North America but still higher than in Asia.

-Manufacturers in Easter Europe tend to be more flexible with MOQs than in Asia.

-If you live in Europe, factories are easier to visit in person. This can be helpful if you need to discuss details or inspect samples.

-They tend to be more flexible with the minimum order quantity (MOQ) if you’re willing to pay more. So if you need to start really small, it might be a good option.

Cottonbro, Pexels


-The cost of manufacturing in Europe can be much higher than in Asia.

-You need to find your own supplier for every single component and fabric used in your garments. This means you will probably need to source on your end a good supplier for underwires, elastics, hook & eyes, labels, hang tags, and packaging. This also means you will have to negotiate with each supplier and place orders for items needed and have them shipped to the factory. (A real hassle to be honest).

-Lead times can be quite long. So same like in the USA, you need to factor this into your planning.

-Factories in Europe are less sophisticated than those in Asia. Many times, they are only sample rooms with a small capacity for bulk production. They may not have all the machinery needed to produce lingerie, and their quality control may not be as rigorous.

Now that you know the pros and cons of manufacturing in different regions of the world. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding what is best for your business. It’s important to contact several lingerie manufacturers and compare their quotes and MOQs before making a final decision. Also if you are able, you should request the manufacturers to send you some samples to see that their quality standards match what you are looking for.

Don’t feel overwhelmed by all the information. You don’t have to do it alone. Consider hiring a product development studio with experience in this field. Since they do this every single day and can guide you. Product development studios have connections with factories all over the world. So they can help you find the perfect manufacturer for your brand. They will also help you with sourcing all the components and fabrics needed for your garments and will negotiate on your behalf with the factory to get the best prices. This support is especially valuable if you’re new to lingerie manufacturing. Regardless of where you choose, the most important thing is that do your research so that you’re confident in your decision.

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