From Concept to Creation

The Difference Between Lingerie Design and Product Development & Manufacturing

When starting a clothing (or lingerie) line, it is important to understand the difference between fashion design and product development & manufacturing. Fashion or lingerie design is designing unique and fashionable garments that meet the needs of your customer, they usually follow temporary trends; while product development and manufacturing is the process of actually creating the garments that are functional and wearable. Here you need to think about everything in a more technical than creative way, from the type of fabrics you use and how they will affect the shape, to developing the patterns, sewing construction, and fit. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between Lingerie Design and Product Development & Manufacturing.

Lingerie Design vs. Product Development Manufacturing: An Overview

The lingerie design process usually starts with inspiration, whether it be from nature, art, another designer’s work, or even everyday objects. From there, the designer will sketch out their ideas and create a mood board to help better understand their vision. Once the design is finalized, a product development & manufacturing team will work together to create a pattern, source the right materials, make the first samples or prototypes, and conduct the fitting assessment process. Once the team approves the fit of the samples, they will commence the manufacturing process, which involves reproducing the samples in bulk.

Lingerie Manufacturing
Lingerie Design, Interior B Studio

Lingerie Manufacturing
Product Development, Interior B Studio

Lingerie Design Challenges: 

Designing lingerie is a challenging but ultimately rewarding process. While there are many things to consider when designing lingerie, the most important thing is to always keep the customer in mind. You need to think about what they will want, not what you want to create. Lingerie design challenges can include anything from choosing the right fabrics and colors to ensuring proper fit and construction. Another challenge with lingerie design is that trends are constantly changing, and it can be difficult to create garments that have long-lasting appeal. However, the good thing about lingerie compared to general ready-to-wear is that lingerie always has to be functional, so that is even more important than trends because you really need to follow the body shape, and that never changes.

Lingerie Manufacturing Challenges: 

One of the biggest challenges with manufacturing lingerie is ensuring that the final product is both high quality and meets customer expectations in terms of fit, construction, and overall look and feel. This can be a difficult task, as even the slightest flaw can ruin the entire garment. In addition, lingerie is often made in smaller quantities than other types of clothing, so it can be more expensive to produce. And finally, due to the intricate nature of lingerie, it is important to maintain a high level of technicality throughout the manufacturing process to make sure the garment will be fashionable but more importantly, functional.

Lingerie Manufacturing
Cottonbro, Pexels

Lingerie design and product development are intricate processes that require careful thought and planning. By understanding the challenges associated with both manufacturing lingerie and designing new collections, you can create a process that results in beautiful, high-quality products. At Interior B Studio we have years of experience in the lingerie industry and are dedicated to helping our clients bring their designs to life. If you need professional help during this process, contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you take your lingerie business to the next level.

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